What is Balance 4 Life? It’s a lifestyle change, that includes a Clean Eating Program.

In the program, there is no counting calories, weighing or measuring food or writing anything down. The only Rule is that the food is clean and you only eat when you are truly hungry.

Your relationship with food is very important.

Fun fact: How do you know if you are truly hungry? Simple, drink an 8oz glass of water and wait 15-20 minutes. If you still have hunger pains or feel empty, eat some food. Most of the time, we are thirsty and not hungry.


My Journey

In The Beginning

Hello, I am Sherry Diamond, the creator of the Balanced 4 Life program where I teach others how to eat cleaner, get off medications & lose weight regardless of your age or ailments. I live my life from the INSIDE OUT with purpose, passion, and a positive attitude. 

At age 68, I’m living proof that you can get older, stay healthy and live your life to the fullest. Age doesn’t matter, if you don’t have your health.

My weight fluctuated up and down (but mostly up) for most of my adult life. When I was 64, I went to the doctor for my annual checkup, and she informed me I was "knocking on the diabetic door". This scared me to death because I am terrified of needles and could not imagine giving myself shots of insulin. I lost both of my parents to cancer and my mom had diabetes. I did not want this to happen to me, so I knew I had to make some serious changes in my life. I realized that for most of my life my brain and my body were involved in a daily boxing match and never friends. At this point there was no denying change was imminent. 

I researched food & inflammation & found fascinating statistics about both. I studied products and their ingredients. I purchased them and tried them to determine the ones that worked. I found the best clean products to use in my beauty routine, personal hygiene and at home. All of this is incorporated into the Balance 4 Life program.  I will teach you how to listen to your gut, make better choices and stop listening to the "Negative Nellies in your life that are holding you back. It’s time to break up with Yabutt & Nobutt.

In my program, I am going to teach you how I lost 103 pounds and have kept it off. I will introduce you to clean products and where to buy them. Think of me as the architect and I will build a program designed just for you.

Everything I do is tailored for you the client. There are no canned messages or videos. I offer two options, a 6 week or a 12 week course. This includes my clean food list, as well as weekly Zoom coaching courses.

My favorite American Poet, Maya Angelou said "When you know better, you do better.” I cannot wait to meet you, design your personal program, and show you how to stay balanced for life, for life!

When I created Balance 4 Life, I wanted it to be easy, affordable & worth it. My goal is to help others eat better, feel better & eliminate unwanted medications no matter your age or ailments.

There are four ways to be on the Balance 4 Life Program:

1. Six Week Course - $595

The six week course includes the Balance 4 Life Food List plus one-on-one coaching weekly with me over zoom or Facebook.

2. Twelve Week Course - $750

The twelve week course includes the Balance 4 Life Food List plus one-on-one coaching weekly with me over zoom or Facebook.

3. One-On-One Coaching - $100

Food List - $10

Purchase the food list & sign up for coaching only when needed.

If you are interested in a free consultation or have questions about pricing, please email me at sherthegift@gmail.com.

Sherthegift of health with someone you know. When they sign up for the Balance 4 Life course (for 6 weeks or 12 weeks) and complete Week 1, you will receive a $50 referral fee.



Success stories from my clients.



Ruth 4.26.2021


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